
《情报分析中的方法应用研究 》

人文北京 时间 2019-09-26

作者:王静宜  徐敏  祝振媛  李广建


摘 要:文章以方法作为切入点,从情报方法术语表构建、方法层次辨析、类型划分以及应用视角等方面对 情报分析方法进行分析。总结了“理论型方法指导思维逻辑、集合型方法集成研究流程、操作型方法实施 任务解决、计算型方法实现测度计量”的方法层次性,体现的是方法引导型的情报分析理念,以期揭示情报分析方法在数据处理和任务解决中的应用规律。



Abstract: Taking the methods as the entry point, this article firstly constructs information analysis method glossary, then analyzes the hierarchy, the classification and the application perspectives of information analysis methods. The paper summarizes the method hierarchy of "the theoretical methods guiding thinking logic, the integrated methods integrating research process, the operational methods implementing task solving, and the computational methods realizing the measurement ". This paper manifests the method-guided ideology of information analysis, in order to reveals the application law of information analysis methods in data processing and task solving.

Keywords: information analysis; information analysis methods; application study;intelligence analysis