

数字记忆 时间 2019-09-06

作者:尧胜男  加小双  陈睿琪


摘要:保护即将消失的语言迫在眉睫。本文通过实地调研与深度访谈的方式对浙江 省与陕西省方言档案化保护工作展开调查,在总结方言语音建档通用流程的基础上,发现 两省存在资金投入不足、缺乏顶层设计、录制人员专业性不够及成果开发利用程度不高等 四个共性问题,有针对性地给出了相应的对策建议。



Abstract: It is urgent to protect the fading dialects. In this paper, through the way of field investigation and deep interview with archival protection work of dialect in Zhejiang and Shaanxi provinces to know their present situation investigation, it sums up the general process of the dialect phonetic document. Then it proposes four common problems: insufficient funds, lack of top-level design, recording personnel lack of professionalism, low utilization degree of results. Finally, it puts forward some focus strategies and suggestions.

Keywords: Dialect; Archives; Dialect Archiving; Archival Preservation