
《国内外记忆实践的发展现状及趋势研究 》

数字记忆 时间 2019-01-17

作者:加小双  徐拥军


[摘要] [目的/意义]对记忆实践的发展背景、现状和趋向轨迹进行阐述,以期为记忆实践的未来发展提供方向性指 导,同时推动提升国家和社会对数字记忆实践的关注,启发学界对于该问题的思考。[研究设计/方法]采用描述性研究 方法,通过对记忆实践进行归类,并进行典型案例介绍。[结论/发现]提出记忆实践正在延展向“数字记忆”的发展趋向 和运行轨迹,这赋予记忆实践以新的机遇和挑战。[创新/价值]在对记忆实践的发展现状和发展趋向进行系统分析的基 础上,对“数字记忆”的概念进行了界定和阐释。

[关键词] 记忆实践 数字记忆 社会记忆 数字技术 记忆资源 文化传承

[中图分类号] G255

[文献标识码] A

[文章编号] 1003-2797( 2019) 01-0060-07

DO I: 10.13366/j.dik.2019.01. 060

[Abstract] [Purpose/Significance]This article elaborates the background,status and tendency of memory practice in order to guide it’ s further development, raise government and public awareness,and inspire academic thinking and research on it.[Research Design/Method]By using descriptive research method, this paper categorizes the existing memory practices and illustrates them with typical cases.[Conclusion/Findings]It has been found that memory practice is evolving to " digital memory",which brings new opportunities and challenges to memory practice.[ Innovation/ Value]By systematically analyzing the status and developing tendency of memory practice,this article proposes the definition and interpretation of " digital memory" .

[Keywords] Memory practice; Digital memory; Social memory; Digital technology; Memory resources; Cultural inheritance