
《北京地区居民冰雪运动参与的影响因素研究 》

2022冬奥 时间 2018-11-22

作者:李树旺  马江涛  李京律  辛然


摘 要:运用逻辑回归法,依托社会调查机构和学术研究中心,对北京地区居民冰雪运动参与状况进 行调查,对影响北京地区居民参与冰雪运动的因素进行分析。结果表明:年龄、性别、受教育年限、社会 地位、冰雪运动的兴趣及家庭氛围是影响北京地区居民冰雪运动参与的重要因素。在此基础上,提出 在北京地区提高居民冰雪运动参与度的建议。


中图分类号:G 80-051


文献标识码: A

Abstract:By using logistic regression method and relying on social investigation institutions and academic research centers, this paper investigates the status of ice and snow sports participation of residents in Beijing, and analyzes the factors influencing the ice and snow sports participation of residents in Beijing. The result shows that age, gender, education years, social status, interest in ice and snow sports and family atmosphere are the important factors influencing residents’participation in ice and snow sports in Beijing. On this basis, the countermeasures and suggestions for improving the participation of ice and snow sports in Beijing area are put forward.

Keywords:beijing winter olympic games;beijing area;ice and snow sports;sports participation;influencing factor